JST buckets and attachments

GG HD Loader bucket 5 (A) Incl. Volvo L150/180 bracket

Surcharge for wear plates and hooks see p. 113

Designed for tough use: Base plate, side edge, side plate and body up to the spill guard are made of H450. Base edge and back edge as well as 6-7 lengthwise wear rails under the base are made of HB500. SS = Standard sides BS = Bonus sides TS = Triangular cutting edge sides High tip: The bucket can be delivered with high tip (surcharge). Note: The capacity will be approx. 10% less. Weight: The weight is given with Volvo bracket, but without welding and painting.

GG LS 5 (A) SS

LOADERS | 8,500 - 40,000 KG

GG LS 5 (A) SS




 LOADER | 34,000 - 40,000 KG

Art. no.

Product description

Width cm

Capacity l SAE

Weight kg

Price EUR

GG HD Loader bucket 5 (A) 6044 3500SS GG LS HD 5 (A) SS Loader bucket 6044 3500BS GG LS HD 5 (A) BS Loader bucket 6044 3500TS GG LS HD 5 (A) TS Loader bucket 6044 3600SS GG LS HD 5 (A) SS Loader bucket 6044 3600BS GG LS HD 5 (A) BS Loader bucket 6044 3600TS GG LS HD 5 (A) TS Loader bucket 6044 3700SS GG LS HD 5 (A) SS Loader bucket 6044 3700BS GG LS HD 5 (A) BS Loader bucket 6044 3700TS GG LS HD 5 (A) TS Loader bucket 6044 3800SS GG LS HD 5 (A) SS Loader bucket 6044 3800BS GG LS HD 5 (A) BS Loader bucket 6044 3800TS GG LS HD 5 (A) TS Loader bucket 6044 3900SS GG LS HD 5 (A) SS Loader bucket 6044 3900BS GG LS HD 5 (A) BS Loader bucket 6044 3900TS GG LS HD 5 (A) TS Loader bucket 6044 4000SS GG LS HD 5 (A) SS Loader bucket 6044 4000BS GG LS HD 5 (A) BS Loader bucket 6044 4000TS GG LS HD 5 (A) TS Loader bucket

350 350 350 360 360 360 370 370 370 380 380 380 390 390 390 400 400 400

7.495 7.495 7.495 7.730 7.730 7.730 7.965 7.965 7.965 8.200 8.200 8.200 8.435 8.435 8.435 8.670 8.670 8.670

3.200 3.231 3.276 3.263 3.294 3.339 3.327 3.358 3.403 3.392 3.423 3.468 3.456 3.487 3.532 3.520 3.551 3.596

23.873 24.456 24.760 24.343 24.933 25.237 24.820 25.417 25.720 25.304 25.908 26.211 25.783 26.393 26.696 26.260 26.879 27.179











NOTE: Add approx. 110 kg to the total weight for welding, painting etc. Optional extras for GG HD Loader bucket 5 (A) 5940 5A0001 Surcharge V-spill guard (standard Z-link)





5940 5A0002 Surcharge V-spill guard (standard db.Z-link)



5940 5A0000 Surcharge for high tip



Surcharge Towing hook 50mm (on plate in bucket)

8019 000000



5941 500000 Surcharge for direct mounting






Grisehale på plade Towing hook on plate

OBS: Ved direktemontering laves skovlen til maskinen, skovlens åbningsvinkel (V) varierer fra maskine til maskine fra 42° til 55° Note: For direct mounting, the bucket is manufactured especially for the machine. The opening angle (V) of the bucket varies between 42° and 55°

Grisehale på plade

OBS: Ved direktemontering laves skovlen til maskinen, skovlens åbningsvinkel (V) varierer fra maskine til maskine fra 42° til 55°

V °

V °

V-Spildplade db Z-link V-spill guard dbl. Z-Link

V-spildplade std Z-link V-spill guard standard Z-Link

V-Spildplade db Z-link

V-spildplade std Z-link


jstas.dk/en | +45 8140 6717 | ordre@jstas.dk | v 2024-4.0

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