JST buckets and attachments
GG Stone bucket with trapez cutting edges Incl. bracket: Volvo BM or Volvo L150/180 bracket
Surcharge for other brackets see p. 175 Surcharge for wear plates and hooks see p. 113
Weight: Weight is specified excl. bracket.
LOADERS | 8,500 - 40,000 KG
Maskinfabrikken A/S - Vennervej 24B - 6940 Lem St. - www.jstas.dk TLF.: +45 97 34 31 00 - CVR.: 31157765 V æ gtangivelse er uden svejsning!
Part nr.: Dato: Vare nr: Revision:
Tolerance: ISO 2768-1 C
28-06-2017 9100001324
1 : 22
Beskrivelse: 6000 L
Volvo L150-180 nakkebeslag
F æ ste:
GG Stenskovl 6 HD B380 m/9stk Cat 5,5" t æ nder
Till æ g: Denne tegning tilh ø rer Maskinfabrikken JST A/S og m å ikke videregives til 3. part uden vores skriflige accept. Bortvigelse fra dette punkt vil Katalog tegning Teg type:
LOADER | 20,500 - 38,000 KG
Art. no.
Product description
Machine size kg 20.500-26.000 26.000-32.000 32.000-38.000
Width cm
Capacity l SAE
Weight kg
Price EUR
9100 001229 GG Stone bucket with trapez cutting edges and 9 pcs Cat 3.5“ teeth 6109 000360 GG Stone bucket with trapez cutting edges and 9 pcs. Cat 4.5“ teeth 9100 001324 GG Stone bucket with trapez cutting edges and 9 pcs Cat 5.5“ teeth
340 360 380
5.000 5.500 6.000
3.450 4.250 5.000
27.076 32.796 36.059
jstas.dk/en | +45 8140 6717 | ordre@jstas.dk | v 2025-1.0
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