JST buckets and attachments

GG HD Riddle bucket Incl. Volvo BM or Volvo L150/180 bracket Surcharge for other brackets see p. 175 Surcharge for wear plates and hooks see p. 113 Lengthwise beams. Half side plate and side part in H450. Note - not standard: The model shown has a V-spill guard and Bofors teeth, which is not standard.

LOADERS | 8,500 - 40,000 KG

 LOADER | 11,000 - 25,000 KG

Art. no.

Product description

Machine size kg 11.000-15.500 11.000-15.500

Width cm

Capacity l SAE

Weight kg

Price EUR

6100 000280 GG Riddle bucket 1 6100 000300 GG Riddle bucket 1

280 300

2.500 2.690

10.436 10.943

6102 000300 GG Riddle bucket 2 6102 000320 GG Riddle bucket 2

15.500-20.500 15.500-20.500

300 320

3.800 4.030

15.235 15.739

6104 000320 GG Riddle bucket 3 6104 000340 GG Riddle bucket 3

20.500-25.000 20.500-25.000

320 340

4.700 5.000

19.359 20.200

9900 000075 Surcharge for large V-spill guard





jstas.dk/en | +45 8140 6717 | ordre@jstas.dk | v 2024-4.0

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