JST buckets and attachments
GG Root fork 2 and 3 Incl. bracket: Volvo L150-180 Haken Surcharge for other brackets see p. 175 Surcharge for wear plates and hooks see p. 113
Note: Weight is specified excl. bracket.
LOADERS | 8,500 - 40,000 KG
LADER | 20,500 - 27,000 KG
Art. no.
Product description
Width cm
Weight kg
Price EUR
GG Root fork 2 0220 325000 GG Root fork 2 with 10 pcs 50 mm H450 teeth 0220 350000 GG Root fork 2 with 11 pcs 50 mm H450 teeth 0220 375000 GG Root fork 2 with 11 pcs 50 mm H450 teeth 0220 400000 GG Root fork 2 with 12 pcs 50 mm H450 teeth 0221 000001 Fixed teeth grapple in H450 for GG Root fork 2 0221 000002 Riddle spill guard for GG Root fork 2 (without grapple)
325 350 375 400
14.280 15.096 15.912 16.728
6.936 1.564
0221 000003 Surcharge per extra tooth
LADER | 27,000 - 35,000 KG
GG Root fork 3 0222 350000 GG Root fork 3 with 11 pcs 50 mm H450 teeth 0222 375000 GG Root fork 3 with 11 pcs 50 mm H450 teeth 0222 400000 GG Root fork 3 with 12 pcs 50 mm H450 teeth 0222 425000 GG Root fork 3 with 12 pcs 50 mm H450 teeth 0223 000001 Fixed teeth grapple in H450 for GG Root fork 3 0223 000002 Riddle spill guard for GG Root fork 3 (without grapple)
350 375 400 425
17.000 18.088 19.176 20.264
8.840 1.972
0223 000003 Surcharge per extra tooth
jstas.dk/en | +45 8140 6717 | ordre@jstas.dk | v 2025-1.0
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