JST buckets and attachments
GG Asphalt pusher Incl. bracket: Volvo BM or L150-220 Haken Surcharge for other brackets see p. 175 Surcharge for wear plates and hooks see p. 113
LOADERS | 8,500 - 40,000 KG
LOADER | 13,000 - 29,000 KG
Art. no.
Product description
Width cm
Height cm
Length cm
Weight kg
Price EUR
Loader | 13,000 - 16,000 kg 5805 250000 GG Asphalt pusher (B) - Volvo BM 5805 275000 GG Asphalt pusher (B) - Volvo BM 5805 300000 GG Asphalt pusher (B) - Volvo BM Loader | 16,000 - 21,500 kg 5806 250000 GG Asphalt pusher (C) - Volvo BM 5806 275000 GG Asphalt pusher (C) - Volvo BM 5806 300000 GG Asphalt pusher (C) - Volvo BM
250 275 300
100 100 100
600 600 600
15.829 16.109 16.391
250 275 300
107 107 107
600 600 600
19.752 20.312 20.872
Loader | 22,000 - 29,000 kg 5807 250000 GG Asphalt pusher (D) - Volvo L150-220 hooks 5807 275000 GG Asphalt pusher (D) - Volvo L150-220 hooks 5807 300000 GG Asphalt pusher (D) - Volvo L150-220 hooks
250 275 300
115 115 115
600 600 600
23.815 24.655 25.495
jstas.dk/en | +45 8140 6717 | ordre@jstas.dk | v 2025-1.0
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